I used both quantitative and qualitative data in my research. For my quantitative data I used a pretest and posttest. I used the scores from the previous week's comprehension test (without the treatment) and compared them to the comprehension test to a new story (with the treatment). This helped me determine if VoiceThread was useful in helping students comprehension level increase. Even though there was a small increase it was not significant enough to show that it helped their comprehension level. For Qualitative data I used a Self-Assessment survey and observation notes. I chose to do a self assessment survey based on time it was easier than interviewing 23 students. The self assessment survey was also better than written responses based on my grade level. Students were able to circle the smiley face based on how they felt about the question. There were five questions on the survey about VoiceThread and working as a group. The questions were:
1. How did you feel about using the digital tool to retell the story? 2. How did you feel about working in a group? 3. How do you feel this helped you remember the story? 4. How do you fell you and your group did on retelling the story? 5. How would you feel about doing this again? Students were also given a choice to write a sentence or two about why they answered the way they did. Only eight students responded with a sentence (one was not legible). This helped me determine if students enjoyed the using the tool and working in groups, and how it affects their intrinsic motivation. Question number 5 showed that almost half of the students did not enjoy using the digital tool. I also took observations and noticed that one group did not like working together and this showed their disinterest in the project.
I cannot believe the first semester is coming to a close. I was really nervous about going back to school and a little skeptic about if I will learn anything new. Well no reason for either. I really enjoyed the first semester, even though it was stressful. I was able to play with new "toys" and expand my learning and my students learning. One of the tools that I used in this class I ended up using in my research project. Even though it did not work out as smoothly as I expected I still enjoyed trying something new with my students. Another tool I enjoyed trying out was Prezi. I have seen presenters use Prezi before but I have never created one myself. I feel this is something that I could use over and over again. Not only in my classroom, but in meetings too. Edutopia was another eye opener for me. I found so many videos about 21st century learning and teaching that just had me in awe. One thing I really enjoyed about this class was learning about what is 21st century learning. I have really taken a step back and challenged myself to let the students guide my teaching and have students work collaboratively. I was very comfortable with technology in the classroom and on my own, but I had no idea all of the tools that were out there. Also, creating a Screen cast for the last project had me searching through all of the Google Chrome "add ons." I am looking forward to learning about new tools for younger kids. Even though I loved using the tools myself I would love to see a little more geared towards kindergarten through third grade. Thank you all for a wonderful first trimester! I'm looking forward to growing even more this year!
Flipped teaching seems like a great idea. Having students front load at home before they even come to school so they can apply the learning and work on a project in class sounds ideal. I worry about the students who do not have access to technology. I know they said they can watch it at school, but doesn’t that single them out? This is something that has kept me from pushing more technology use in my homework assignments. I would like to start having students watch videos so they are being introduced to the lesson even before they come to class. And the students who miss class that day would not be left behind because they will have access to the teaching online. I think I need to get over the idea that students will not be able to access it, and jump in. I have learned that my students work better and are more interested when they are working collaboratively or working with technology. In one of the books about CBL it mentions that students put more time and energy into their work and teachers had more time to communicate problems and work together. This is something that I think is interesting. When students are not being lectured to and are putting their efforts into solving real world problems they try harder. I think also CBL helps students develop these 21st century skills that we have been learning about all trimester. Within my class we do Service learning projects and we put students to work to help raise money for the Suisun Wildlife Center. I feel I can use the CBL model within our project. I would like to research more ideas of CBL for lower elementary students. It seems this would work great with secondary and upper elementary.
The first article I found titled Building 21st Century literacies through digital animated storytelling, Lisa Gjedde did a study using digital storytelling with 7th and 8th grade students. One thing this article offered is that students were able to be more creative given the freedom of using the digital storytelling tool. They were also more engaged and on task using the tool. This informed my study because it shows that using digital tools and working in collaborative groups is more engaging to learners. The second article I found was Elva Duenez and Irene L. Chen's article called Greening School Curriculum with Technology: A Case Study. In this study I read that using technology in the classroom is only beneficial to the students if teachers are well trained in the technology. It also talks about how using technology is good for the environment because you are not using as much paper. This relates to my question because students will be using technology and reading how it is important to be trained in the tools that you will be using helps me to prepare my study. The last article I found by Shahrzad Vafa, Rita Richardson, and Charlene Murphree (2017) called Integrating Technology and Literacy: Creating an Interactive Storytelling Experience with Augmented Reality discussed how students felt a strong sense of pride in their work because they were given the freedom to be creative. I felt this helps my study because even though my students will not be creating a new story they still can be creative on how they retell the story that we read. I am hoping that this gives them intrinsic motivation to work hard on the project. References: Gjedde, L. (2016). Building 21st. Century literacies through digital animated storytelling. In Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2016 (pp. 163-166). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Duenez, E. & Chen, I.L. (2017). Greening School Curriculum with Technology: A Case Inquiry. In P. Resta & S. Smith (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 835-839). Austin, TX, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved from https://0-www.learntechlib.org.library.touro.edu/p/177360/. Vafa, S.(., Richardson, R. & Murphree, C. (2017). Integrating Technology and Literacy: Creating an Interactive Storytelling Experience with Augmented Reality. In J. Johnston (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia 2017 (pp. 1286-1291). Washington, DC: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved from https://0-www.learntechlib.org.library.touro.edu/p/178448/. The videos were full of great information. Creativity is very hard to teach. Students need to be creative. In a couple of the videos it mentions that students need to fail and learn from their failures. If we let students fail they are actually learning to be creative because they are forced to try something new. Using technology is a way to spark creativity and curiosity. Here are my thoughts on the videos:
AuthorI am a second grade teacher at Sierra Vista K-8 Archives
November 2017
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